Today I am going to continue talking about Michael Jackson.
In 1991 Michael Jackson published the album "Dangerous" which sold 32 milions of copies around the world. His first single was "Black or White" that reached an enormous success. Another single that succed specially in Europe was "Heal the World". In 1992 he created the Heal the World Foundation to help the children who were victims of violence, poverty and illnesses. This year was the Dangerous World Tour, which profits were destined to the Heal the World Foundation. In 1993 he won the prize Living Legend for his contribution to the music.
This same year, Michael Jackson was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. He talked about his childhood, his relation with his parents and brothers and about his carreer. He also denyed that he was making a treatment to be white, he just had en illness. This interview was followed by 90 milions of persons in the United States. But the summer of this year Michael Jackson was accused for child abuses by Jordan Chandler who was 13 years old and his father. He said that it was in Neverland where he used to received children. It was an scandal some children and families accused him of being a pedophile. Although all of this he was declared innocent. He supported that he was innocent all the time and after his death, Jordan Chandler admited that he was liying because his father told him to earn some money because they were poor.

Michael Jackson agreed with the family to give them 22 milions of dolars and he retired the accusation.
In 1994 Jackson got married with Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley. They met in 1975 but they got divorced two years after their wedding.
In 1995 he launched the double album "HIStory: Past, Present and Future" which was nominated to a Grammy. It sold more than 20 milions of copies around the world. The first single was "Scream" with his sister Janet Jackson, was nominated to a Grammy. In the end of 1995 Micahel Jackson was hospitalized because of an attack of nervous in a rehearsal. In 1996 he went on the HIStory World Tour which got 85 milions of dolars.
In 1996 he got married again with one of his nurses, Debbie Rowe with who he had two children, Michael Joseph Jr (known as Prince too) and Paris-Michael Katherine. They got divorced in 1999 but they were friends and Debbie Rowe granted the custody of the children to Michael Jackson. In 1997 he launched the album "Blood On The Dancefloor" with five new songs and eight remix. In 1999 he participated in some charitable events like one organizated by Pavarotti to help the children of Guatemala and the refugee of Yugoslavia, and one oraganizated by Michael Jackson called "Michael Jackson and friends" to the Cruz Roja and the UNESCO.
In 2001 he published the album "Invincible" and before this he made a concert in the Madison Square Garden to celebrate his 30 anniversary like singer, with his brothers and other famous artists. After this, he recorded "What more can I give" with some artits to help the victims of the terrorist attack of the 11th September, but it was not sold because Micha
el Jackson left Sony. He accused the president of Sony, Tommy Mottola, to be a racist and a gangster, which contract was canceled because he did not support the afroamericans artists. After, Sony did not renew the contract of Michael Jackson because he refuse to do a tour due to 2002. In this year was born the third son of him, Prince Michael Jackson II whom Jackson showed to the journalists out of the window with a blanket. He said sorry for this fact.

In 2003 Jackson granted some interviews to the journalist Martin Bashir that were recopilated in the documental "Living with Michael Jackson". In one of these interviews he appeared with a child of 13 years old called Gavin Arvizo who accused him of child abuses. Again, Michael Jackson said that he was innocent and was declared like that. In 2006 the authorities closed Neverland.
In 2009 he announced his return to the stages with new songs with the tour This Is It, but the 25th June he died because of a heart attack. The medical report said that the death was provoked by the combination of painkillers. The principal suspect is his personal doctor Conrad Murray. His burial was celebrated in the cemetery Forest Lawn in Los Ángeles.
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